I have been doing more work IN my sewing room rather than ON my sewing room, which is a good thing, but then again, it doesn't leave much time to write.
Although I had plenty of work space for my 3 machines, I didn't have much space to work on anything else. There are so many other crafts that I do besides sewing and machine embroidery and I need to have room for those too. I had been looking for a folding card table that I could set up as needed. Well, that plan changed when we were out and about one day and came across a sweet little desk with a FREE sign on it.
My fiance, Pat and I loaded into the back of the van and I was a very happy girl. Although the work surface is a bit smaller than a card table, it has storage that a table doesn't. I am happy to report that the surface has been in use ever since.
Another thing I pick up was this cute little tray in the shape of a piggy! I adore pigs and have a collection of them. When I saw this tray, in the perfect color for my sewing room, on clearance, I had to have it.
I use it as a catch all for various things when I am working. I love to have cute and colorful things around me when I am creating.
While I was creating some doll clothes, I had to stop and finally organize my ribbon and lace before it drove me crazy. The ribbon that is still on the original spool lives in a large drawer of a 3 drawer plastic organizer.
The problem comes from the small pieces that are loose. Because I make doll clothes, those tiny pieces are usable and worth saving, but not in the way I had been.
The ribbons were all just thrown in a drawer. It was a tangled mess and I could never find anything. The lace pieces were the same way. In order to make things neater and easier to find, I cut rectangles from a box and wrapped and pinned the small pieces onto them. Now I can see what I have and get to it easily.
Pieces that were too small to wrap were placed into a zip lock bag. When you make clothing for dolls that are only 4" tall, even tiny pieces of ribbon are usable.
Hopefully it will not be as long between posts in the future. There is still lots of work to be done to get my sewing/craft room organized and decorated the way I want to.